
The result of SLRC address for grade 3 and 4 -grade to be tomorrow, steps to check

The result of SLRC address for grade 3 and 4 -grade to be tomorrow, steps to check

The result of SLRC address for grade 3 and 4 -grade to be tomorrow, steps to check

State Recruitment Commission (Slc) will declare the results Assam Direct Recruitment Examin (address) for grade 3 and 4th grade tomorrow, March 7, 2025. Candidates can check and download their results from the official site,, once the link is active. The official notification writes: “The provisional results of the written examination (based on the OMR) for the various class I posts, as the video no. SLRC-GI/91/Advertising/2023/2 of 30-10-2023 within the State Recruitment Commission for Class III positions will be declared on 07-03-2025, and the results can be viewed by individual candidates on the official website of the ASSAM School Council, DIV-I (ERST While SEBA) IE WWW.SITE.SEBAONLINE.I. Govt. from Assam ( ‘
Candidates can click on this bundle to read the full notice.

The result of SLRC address for 3 -grade and 4th grade: Pass to verify

Candidates can follow these steps to verify and download the SLRC address for the 3 -grade grade recruitment exam, once declared:
Step 1: Go to the official site,, or you can visit
Step 2: On the main page, click on the link that reads, “The SLRC result for the 3rd grade and 4th grade” (once declared).
Step 3: A new page will appear on the screen.
Step 4: Enter the requested credentials and click on the submission.
Step 5: Your result will be displayed on the screen.
Step 6: Check the result, download it and take a print for future references.
For more information, candidates are advised to visit the official SLRC Address site.