
Conviction for the man in Cleveland, guilty of charges of trafficking in persons

Conviction for the man in Cleveland, guilty of charges of trafficking in persons

Cleveland, Ohio (Woio) – a man from Cleveland will be convicted on Thursday at the Court of Common pleasures in Cuyahoga County, after he was guilty last month for the charges of human trafficking.

On February 5, Deondre Inkton, 31 years old, was guilty of the following charges:

  • Three charges of trafficking in people
  • Three charges of promoting prostitution
  • A number of promotion of prostitution with a specification of trafficking of people
  • A number of sexual batteries
  • A money laundering number
  • A number of holding criminal tools.

Inkton has physically and sexually abused women to force them into prostitution and then received the income of that exploitation for about two years.

According to General Ohio, Dave Yost, Inkton transported victims to eastern United States and Nevada to engage in prostitution.

Deondre inkton
Deondre inkton(Bingel, Julia | (source: ohio general lawyer))))

Inkton is related to over 4,000 sexual ads in 12 states, including 2,000 in Ohio.