
Sheriff’s office in Grade County looking for 3 suspects

Sheriff’s office in Grade County looking for 3 suspects

Grade County, Ga. (Walb) – The Sheriff’s office in Grady County announced in its Facebook segment “Wanted Wednesday” that he is looking for three suspects.

The first suspect is David Bently. It is sought for detention of methamphetamine.

David Bently is sought after to hold methamphetamine.
David Bently is sought after to hold methamphetamine.(Grade County Sheriff’s Office)

The second suspect is Joshua Huffman. He is sought for shopping, holding drugs, theft by taking and criminal offense.

Joshua Huffman is sought for more accusations, including holding drugs.
Joshua Huffman is sought for more accusations, including holding drugs.(Grade County Sheriff’s Office)

The third suspect is Larry Torres. He is sought for bank mandate, aggressive driving, run/elongation, speed (155 in a 55), the failure to keep the band and shopping.

Larry Torres is sought for multiple charges, including running/ellashes.
Larry Torres is sought for multiple charges, including running/ellashes.(Grade County Sheriff’s Office)

Anyone who has information about the following suspects is asked to contact the Sheriff’s office in Grade County at (229) 377-5200.

Follow below the “Wednesday” segment of the sheriff:

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