
Women’s welfare check in prison | News, sports, jobs

Women’s welfare check in prison | News, sports, jobs

The attempt of a police officer to verify the welfare of a person parked near Lay Park has led to a drug charges against a Waren woman.

Stephanie N. Neubauer, 33, was accused on Sunday by Warren police officers with the manufacture of crimes, delivery or holding with the intention to produce or deliver, as well Police women who responded to Lay Park on March 9th for a report by a police woman from a police woman who responded to the wide “It has collapsed” in her vehicle.

The officer said in the declaration of the probable cause that he told Neubauer that he was in touch with her to check his well-being, noting in the statement that the woman was leaving and adjusting her clothing around her pocket in front of the hood.

“While talking to the defendant, she was in contradiction with her stories and answered questions while displaying nervous behaviors.” states the statement. “I asked the consent to seek the person of the defendant where he allowed the officer to do so. Gave verbal consent and raised hands. I located a clear and green and green methamphetamine pipe with residues. “

Neubauer did not consent to an immediate search of the vehicle, which was then imposed. On March 6, a search warrant by Judge Raymond Zydonik was signed. A search for Neubauer’s vehicle has led to the confiscation of several small, small white wands, without packing, the white police say they are used for storing the controlled substances, a free tinfoil, a glass methamphetamine pipe with white residues, a pocket mirror with flip-light, with a white powder, a white powder. Metamfetamine and fentanyl, six wands of what is suspected of being methamphetamine and fentanyl, one of which has been stored in tinfoil and a clear plastic bag that contains what the police suspected is methammatamine.

The police also confiscated $ 61, which were folded in different amounts and located in the same wrist near the packaged controlled substances.

“The defendant was in possession of a total of 33 different types of Baggies containing suspicions of methamphetamine and fentanil,” states the statement. “The articles found in the vehicle are in accordance with more than the amount of user of controlled substances and indicate a person who owns controlled substances with the intention of distributing these substances.”

The preliminary complaint took place on Sunday in front of the magisterial district judge, Todd Woodin, who set the bail at $ 250,000. Neubauer could not post bail and was taken to prison in Warren County.