
Shuttle retained after climbing on the MRT Lay Mrt screen door to pick up the phone on the pieces

Shuttle retained after climbing on the MRT Lay Mrt screen door to pick up the phone on the pieces

Singapore – a commuter was detained by the SMRT transport operator after climbing the doors of the platform screen At the Boon Lay Mrt station To take over a phone that fallen on Train tracks.

In a Facebook post on March 14SMRT said the incident took place around 8.15am on March 13.

When the shuttle climbed on the doors of the platform screen half high, another commuting activated Stop Stop Plunger (ESP) on the western platform at the station.

The ESPs are located on the walls or pillars near the doors of the platform screen. Passengers can press ESP in case of emergency, such as when they see a passenger colleague stuck in the gaps or doors of the platform.

When ESP is activated, trains will Come on At a safe stop and the staff of the station will participate in the situation.

“Due to the timely activation of ESP, the entrance train was stopped in time, and the individual was unharmed. Our staff intervened immediately, detained the offender and alerted the police, ”said Mr. Lă Sheau Kai, SMRT TRANS president.

St contacted the police for more information.

SMRT said that a serious perspective of this incident is needed OFFENDER could have been hit by a train or electrocuted by the high voltage traction power from the third rail.

When applying emergency brakes, there is a risk of passenger injury on board the train.

“Such reckless actions not only endanger life, but can cause services, affecting many commuters”, ” Said Mr. Lam.

Commuters should always stay away from parts, He added.

If an article falls on the pieces, the commuters should ask for help to the staff, rather than try to recover it.

The recovery of the article can only be performed at the end of the day for safety reasons.

In 2021 a man acknowledged at Stopping a MRT train to the Buona Vista MRT station in trying to take over a Falling phone tracks. He also assaulted a security officer.

Was fined $ 5,600.

• Sherlyn Sim is a journalist at The Straits Times, who covers current news and events.

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