A man in Grage was arrested on Friday, March 14, after the authorities said he was trying to evade the control permit control point and in possession of a stolen firearm.
Da’Marie Jyz’mire Gray, 19, who was on a preventive release for the crime, was arrested after the authorities said he tried to evade a checkpoint that is led by the Sheriff’s Sheriff in Lenoir county at the intersection between Field Stion Road and Eason Road.
According to a statement, a deputy caught Gray’s vehicle, who then ran at a high speed, passed a vehicle in an area without passing, and then gave a stop sign. Gray’s vehicle stopped at a house in the 4000 block in Owens Family Road and Gray has been residing on officials. Gray came out of the house shortly later and was placed in arrest.
A search warrant in the residence has found a stolen gun with a modified series in the back yard of the residence, on officials.
Gray faces the following charges:
- The charge of offense to run away to circumvent the arrest
- The charge of offense to hold a stolen fire weapon
- The charge of offense to hold a weapon with a modified serial number
- The charge of offenses to carry a hidden weapon
- The charge of offenses to resist a public officer
- Violations of criminal traffic
Gray has not received any connection due to the fact that it was released preventively for an attempt to accuse the first degree.