
Vandalism at the Veterans Memorial; Blotter-San Diego Union-Tribune

Vandalism at the Veterans Memorial; Blotter-San Diego Union-Tribune

Lawn at the monument at Jolla vandalized

A section of the lawn from the National Mount Soldad Veterans Memorial in La Jolla was vandalized at the weekend, and the group that runs the monument says that it is trying to repair the damages “as soon as possible”.

The grass near the Memorial was once led on the night of March 14, leaving deep tire routes, according to Neil Oconnell, the executive director of the Mount Soledad Memorial Association. One docent discovered the damage on the morning of March 15.

“This is a terrible act of disrespect and very sad to see this type of vandalism on the lawn in the beautiful park at the national memorial of Mount Soledad,” O’Connell said.

He added that the memorial, from 6905 to Jolla Scenic Drive South, had about 3,000 visitors at the weekend, which we “delighted to have. … But the beautiful lawn is a mess. “

A police report was submitted and reports were registered on vandalism on social networks. O’Connell said he hopes that “people could speak and condemn this terrible act of disrespect and vandalism.”

The association also looks at the security photo materials for any useful information, O’Connell said.

Blotter police

Further details were not available from the San Diego police.

To report a non-urgent crime, call the Police Department of San Diego on 619-531-2000 or 858-484-3154. In case of emergency, call 911. (File)


To report a non-urgent crime, call the Police Department of San Diego on 619-531-2000 or 858-484-3154. In case of emergency, call 911. (File)

February 28

Little theft: 600 BLOCK TURMALINE STREET, 16:30

March 1

Residential Furgla: 5500 BLOCK LADYBIRD LANE, midnight

March 4

Grand Tour theft: 300 Block Playa del Sur, 8:45 am

March 6

Shoplifting: 8600 BLOCK VILLA at Jolla Drive, 15:42

Shoplifting: 8600 BLOCK VILLA at Jolla Drive, 20:53 PM

March 7

Shoplifting: 8600 BLOCK VILLA LA JOLLA DRIVE, 10:29 AM

March 8

Shoplifting: 8600 BLOCK VILLA at Jolla Drive, 17:03

March 9

Disordered conduct (alcohol): 800 Block Forward Street, 12:30 am

Vandalism of crime: 800 Block Agate Street, 5:18 AM

Little theft: 8800 BLOCK VILLA at Jolla Drive, 16:00

Obscene/threatening/intimidating phone calls: 300 Nautilus Street block, 10:10 PM

March 12

Shoplifting: 8800 BLOCK VILLA at Jolla Drive, 17:20

March 13

Shoplifting: 8600 BLOCK VILLA at Jolla Drive, 12:31 PM