
Changes in payment of personal independence explained as a major review of PIP invalidity benefits

Changes in payment of personal independence explained as a major review of PIP invalidity benefits

Liz Kendall, work secretary and pensions, announced changes in PIP in the Commune Chamber today, as part of the bill for pounds billion benefits

Major changes of Benefit for invalidity The payment of personal independence (Pip) were announced by the government today. The review will record the strengthened eligibility rules for some plaintiffs, while the most seriously disabled will no longer be confronted with reassessments.

Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall Plans announced for controversial changes in the Commune Chamber This afternoon, as part of the plans to reduce the benefit invoice with billions of pounds. The last figures launched today by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) shows that 3.7 million people are currently supporting Pip in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In ScotlandPIP has been replaced by adult disability payment. But what exactly PIP is, how do people claim in accordance with current rules and what changes could be announced?

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    Woman checking the stock phone
Millions of people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland support PIP(Image: Getty images)

What is PIP?

PIP is a benefit for invalidity that is granted to people who need additional help with daily activities due to disease, disability or mental health. Your eligibility for PIP is not based on what condition in return, it is based on how this condition affects your daily life.

Normally, you will be subjected to an assessment, in which you will be asked to explain how your life affects. Before approving the PIP application. If your request is successful, you will receive PIP for a fixed period of time before being reviewed. PIP can be awarded for at least nine months, up to a “continuous” award, which is revised every ten years. If you are the final sick, the prize will be three years.

Office woman offers a man on the prosthetics of wheelchairs
Changes could make it difficult to claim PIP(Image: Getty Images/IstackPhoto)

How is PIP evaluated?

PIP evaluation can take place personally, by phone or video call. During your assessment, a health professional may ask you to make simple movements or ask yourself questions to test your cognitive capacity. During your assessment, you will receive points for your daily life and mobility parts.

If you mark between eight and 11 points for your daily life needs in the PIP test, you get the standard daily life component rate. Get a higher daily life component rate if you get 12 points or more. If you mark between eight and 11 points for your mobility needs, get the standard mobility component rate. If you mark 12 points or more, get the higher mobility component rate. Those who are terminal patients will not need a PIP medical evaluation.

How much does PIP cost?

PIP comes in two parts and you can be entitled to both or just one of these items. There is a daily life rate, which is worth 72.65 pounds per week if you are given a lower rate, or 108.55 pounds per week for a higher rate. There is also the mobility rate, worth 28.70 pounds per week for the lower rate, or 75.75 pounds per week for a higher rate.

PIP is paid every four weeks, so if you are given maximum rates for both daily and mobility elements, then you will receive 737.20 pounds every four weeks. The daily life rate increases to 73.90 pounds per week for lower rate and 110.40 pounds per week, from April. The mobility rate will increase to 29.20 pounds per week for lower rate and 77.05 pounds per week for a higher rate. PIP is tax -free and you can request PIP if you are at work.

How could Pip could change?

Speaking in The house of the communes Today, Kendall has announced that PIP eligibility rules will be reinforced and the evaluation process will also be revised. In accordance with the plans, to be eligible for PIP, you will need at least four points in at least one activity to qualify for the daily life element of November 2026. This means that the plaintiffs will have to show “greater difficulties” when completing daily tasks, such as washing, eating and getting eligible. This will not affect the mobility component of PIP.

PIP assessments will also be carried out face to face, rather than by phone or video. The number of assessments made in this way has increased in recent years since the Covid-19 Pandemia.

She also confirmed that the Government will not bring the plans of the former government for vouchers, adding: “People with disabilities should have the choice and control over their lives.” She also confirmed that PIP will not be tested in the middle of the work government and that PIP payments will not be frozen at their current level.

In addition, people with health conditions that are permanent or will not be aggravated will not have to be re -evaluated in accordance with the new plans. There will be no list established by conditions that will be eligible for this and will decide on a case -by -case basis.

The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Liz Kendall, reiterated that the reforms will not have an impact on those with the most “disabled”. She told the parliamentarians in Commons: “We know that there are always people who cannot work because of the nature of their disability or their health, and those people will be protected.”

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