
Dewey Man accused of tracking

Dewey Man accused of tracking

A man Dewey is accused of two charges of prosecution offenses, a number of offenses to resist an officer and an accusation of offenses to disturb peace.

According to the Dewey Police Department, Isaac Joseph Turner, 18 years old, watched two people of several consecutive days, including the leadership by a residence and shouting profane to the victims. Turner told the victims that he would smoke and bury them in the county. The pursuit happened on 14 separate occasions.

On March 13ThTurner was going to come to Dewey Municipal Court when he started shouting in the police department lobby. He asked him to calm down or go out. As he was out, Turner threw someone as he swore. He then became combative with the officers when they ordered them to come to court. Turner began to swear by the officers, and the police warned him if he would continue, he will be arrested for a disordered conduct. It seems that Turner continued to swear and the officers tried to place him in arrest. The officers faced Turner to the ground and became combative. Following a short fight, the officers were able to place the Turner in handcuffs. He is owned in the prison in Washington County, on a total bond of $ 35,000. The next one in court is April 4Th.